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Grow Your Call Centre

Why Connecting a CRM to a Predictive Dialler Can Help Grow Your Call Centre

Grow Your Call Centre

Sep 15, 2023
8 min to read

Running a call centre involves handling a large amount of data. Without the right tools your data can be mismanaged. This could lead to dialling incorrect numbers or not following up on potential leads. All this can cause unnecessary headaches for yourself and your team. Furthermore, this could cause a loss of revenue.

There are two vital tools for handling data effectively and running a successful call centre they are:

Predictive Dialler

A predictive dialler allows you to make multiple outbound calls and route them to available agents at a speed of your choice. This allows your call centre to be more efficient and generate increased conversions.


A CRM (Customer relationship management) platform allows you to store a large amount of data in one place. Furthermore, functionality such as search and record history can help manage data easily. CRM’s are usually Hosted online or across local networks, these allow you to keep track of any activity or updates to a particular customer.

What are the benefits of connecting the CRM to the Predictive Dialler?

By connecting your CRM to your predictive dialler, you can manage everything in one place. So, within the agent login, when calls are made customers information automatically appears (via screen pop). At the end of the call, it can be dispositioned (eg. No answer, busy, voicemail etc). This will automatically log the information within the CRM and allow others to see how often the record has been processed.

The predictive dialler allows you to make notes during and after the call. This can let other users see what’s happened and avoid asking the customer for the same information. This can make you look more professional as customers often get frustrated by going over the same points. Greater professionalism can lead to an increase in conversion rates.

You can also set up actions such as call back reminders. This allows you to be more organised and follow up on leads, helping you stay in control. Furthermore, mapping this with your CRM would increase efficiency as everyone can see flags, notifications or reminders. 

Predictive Dialler and CRM Integration can allow a wide range of custom functionality and be able to track and record information. For example, during a call, a customer may ask for an email follow up. You could have a generic email set up and send directly from the interface. This will log on the CRM and you can then schedule a follow-up call to take place. This information is logged so when it’s time for the call back you can see that the customer is interested in the product and has been sent the product information pack. The call can naturally continue from this point.

So how does a CRM and Predictive Dialler help your call centre grow?

By integrating your CRM and Predictive Dialler you can create an omnichannel solution which allows you to do everything in one place. This will allow you to be more efficient as you save time switching between different programs and having to update other software or communicate messages with others. If you free up more time then you can make an increased number of calls leading to conversions.

If you reduce the number of applications you help reduce the number of mistakes by Human Error. This will create a smoother operation and help your call centre operate more professionally. Furthermore, this will increase morale as less mistakes will lead to better employee performance. Happier employees tend to lead to an increase in sales.

With both the dialler and the CRM hosted online, you can also create a call centre which can be operated remotely. This will allow users to log in to just one platform and easily start making calls.

Primo Dialler can connect with a wide range of CRM’s including Salesforce, Zoho, Hubspot, Microsoft Dynamics and many more.


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